Page 1: Responsive Web Page Tutorial, HTML/CSS Only
Page 2: Page Structure using Flexbox and a Media Query
Page 3: Footer (nested flexboxes)
Page 4: Header (menu/search toggles, transition effects)
Page 5: Sticky Aside
Page 6: Make it Beautiful
Page 7: JavaScript Efficiencies, Breadcrumbs, Cats, Audio and More
Page 8: Embedded Note from Creator and Floating Hearts
Page 9: Move On To, Video Tutorial

JavaScript Efficiencies, Breadcrumbs, Cats, Audio and More

Load an External JavaScript File

JavaScript that is common to most lessons is kept in an auxiliary file:  auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js . Use your own name, but keep the ‘.js’ extension. To load the auxiliary file into a lesson, add this line (with your own URL) inside the  <head>  container:

<script src="/auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js"></script>

By having common code in only one place, it is much easier to maintain. Also, most modern browsers cache JavaScript files, making page loads more efficient as users move from lesson to lesson.

Move the functions  toggle,  transitionIn,  transitionOut  and  checkWindowSize  into  auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js  (without the  <script></script>  containers).

Create Common Header/Footer Variables

Some people like to periodically rearrange furniture. Me—I tweak my common header. I definitely don't want to be making the same changes in hundreds of files! Create JavaScript text variables for common elements, as illustrated next by making a common header:

Do the same for the (common) search form and the (common) footer. (For me, the  aside  content will vary slightly from lesson to lesson, so is kept in the HTML file.)


‘Breadcrumbs’ tell the user what course they're in (like ‘Algebra I’), and where they are in the course (like ‘#1 of 164’):

breadcrumbs for navigation among lessons in courses

Here is the (truncated) breadcrumbs code, which should go just beneath  mainTitle :

(truncated) HTML code for breadcrumbs
Note that the character code  &#10093;  is used as the breadcrumb separator; it is called a medium right-pointing angle bracket ornament.

In the future, the total lesson count could change, with lessons being added/combined/removed. Therefore, it's best to load the total number of lessons using JavaScript, as follows:

Here's the CSS code to style the breadcrumbs, which should go in the external CSS file:

breadcrumb CSS
The CSS  display:inline;  makes each list item inline (like  <span> ). Without this, the list items would display vertical and bulleted.

A Splash of Color: Mathematical Cats

Right now, the responsive page is beautiful, but could benefit from a splash of color. Mathematical cats to the rescue! Besides adding color/interest, a small randomly-selected mathematical cat near the top of the page also connects the URL  ‘’  to the page content.

splash of color: a mathematical cat

Audio Read-Thrus with Text Highlighting

My lessons offer an option to hear me read them aloud, while users can follow along with highlighted text. (This way, users can better understand how the mathematics might be read aloud.) The read-thru is made available by clicking an ‘audio’ icon to the right of  mainTitle :

audio icon for lesson read-through

More style: Definitions, Theorems and such

Definitions, theorems and such are visually distinguished:

style for Definitions, Theorems, and such

Here is the HTML, showing the different classes for the container, the word ‘DEFINITION’, what it is the definition of, and the definition itself:

HTML for Definitions, Theorems, and such
Ignore the IDs (like  id="s14"), since these are used only for the audio read-through with text highlighting.

Here is the CSS:
CSS for Definitions, Theorems, and such

Meta Description/Content

The  <meta name="description" content="summary of page content" />  tag should give a concise summary of the web page contents/purpose. If it's good enough, a search engine might use it as the ‘blurb’ to represent the page!

Put this (with appropriate content for you, of course) in the  head  container:

<meta name="description"
content="As a first step in studying the mathematical language, we distinguish between the 'nouns' of mathematics (used to name mathematical objects of interest) and the 'sentences' of mathematics (which state complete mathematical thoughts)." />

Extra Things My Pages Need: Math and Graphics

My lessons have special needs: mathematics and graphics. I use MathJax for beautiful mathematics. I use JSXGraph for beautiful graphics. You can even embed MathJax math inside JSXGraph graphics!

I use local copies of both MathJax and JSXGraph—on my own server—as opposed to using the newest version from (say) a CDN (Content Delivery Network). My older versions have everything I need, and I don't have to worry about my code breaking or changing behavior with an ‘upgrade’.


In the auxiliary JavaScript file, I have a function named  loadMathJax(). If a page needs math, then this code goes in the  head :


The order (in your HTML page) that you load  auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js  and then write the function is important! Until  auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js  is loaded, the function isn't available!

I wrote a BIG page to illustrate what MathJax has to offer: TeX Commands Available in MathJax . It's a fixed-width web page, so don't try to view it on a small screen. I also have a print version of the resource available from Amazon. It has small print, so it's for young eyes only!


In the auxiliary JavaScript file, I have a function named  loadJSXGraph(). If a page needs graphics, then the following code goes in the  head. Again, order is important!


My JSXGraph Commands pages give descriptions and examples of many JSXGraph commands, alphabetically by command name. Again, these are fixed-width pages, so don't try to view them on small screens.

Google Analytics

I use Google Analytics (the free version) to gain insights on my users. In the auxiliary JavaScript file, I have a function named  loadGoogleAnalytics(). Since I want analytics on every page, I put the following code directly in  auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js:


COIL Web Monetization

I use COIL as a theoretical way to monetize my web pages. Until the web changes dramatically, it won't make me any money. But, I think they're heading in the right direction, so I want to support them. (More on this below.)

In the auxiliary JavaScript file, I have a function named  monetizeWebPageCOIL(). Since I want monetization on every page, I put the following code directly in  auxiliaryResponsiveLessons.js:


Making Money from Web Pages

Let me get philosophical for a moment.

It costs money to put pages on the web. Even if you do all the coding and design yourself (like me), there are annual server fees and security token fees. (These days, people expect to see  https , not just  http, even if there is no need for a secure site.)

I personally hate ads as I browse web pages, so I refuse to use them. I use some Amazon Affiliate Program links: if a user clicks on a link and buys something, then I get a tiny cut. However, math pages don't lend themselves to ‘pointing to stuff’ on Amazon. Donations—don't work.

Suppose there were a mechanism by which high-quality content pages could be monetized (without a barrage of ‘need-money’ annoyances). Then, I believe we'd see a shift in the nature of web pages: fewer ads, fewer pleas for money/subscriptions/donations, fewer paywalls.

Enter COIL and micropayments. Fractions of a penny can be meaningful when multiplied by big numbers. I believe that when people visit pages, they should automatically support those pages. Why?

Without website creators, there would be no web.

The longer a visitor lingers, the more the web creator earns. But it has to be implemented (I believe) at a foundational level: when people get internet service, the service should include a fee (say, \$5.00 per month) that gets distributed to website creators (automatically) as the user surfs the web. COIL promotes a modified version of this concept, and it's the only thing I see out there that is heading in this direction.

The Page So Far...

Go on to Page 8 of the Responsive Page Tutorial