Page 1: Responsive Web Page Tutorial, HTML/CSS Only
Page 2: Page Structure using Flexbox and a Media Query
Page 3: Footer (nested flexboxes)
Page 4: Header (menu/search toggles, transition effects)
Page 5: Sticky Aside
Page 6: Make it Beautiful
Page 7: JavaScript Efficiencies, Breadcrumbs, Cats, Audio and More
Page 8: Embedded Note from Creator and Floating Hearts
Page 9: Move On To, Video Tutorial

Page Structure Using Flexbox and a Media Query

Let's get some content in our page! The overall page structure is discussed next; Flexbox and a Media Query will make it responsive.

The page structure has three primary sections—header, footer, and the stuff in between:

Design for Mobile First

Rule of thumb: Code for good performance on small screens first, and then adjust to take advantage of larger screens. In narrow applications, the contents should stack. Code Chunk 2 (below) goes inside the <body></body> of Code Chunk 1.

<div id="asideMainContainer">
    <nav class="asideNav">
      <a class="asideNavLink">link1</a><br />
      <a class="asideNavLink">link2</a>
second code chunk
Result of CODE CHUNK 2:

Comments on the Code:

Below is the ‘tree’ for the newly-added code. Code indentation helps you see the structure: tags at the same level are indented the same amount.

  / | \  
header   div
|   |
aside   main
/       \    
a       a    

Structure (HTML) Versus Presentation (CSS)

HTML should describe structure (function/purpose). CSS should describe presentation. For a given structure, many different presentations might be used. For example, use <em></em> (HTML) to emphasize text. Use CSS to decide how it should be emphasized: bold, italicized, different color/size, animated, more. As much as possible, keep HTML and CSS separate.

Semantic Elements, Divs, Id, Class

Semantics is the study of meaning. HTML Semantic Elements clearly describe their meaning to both browser and developer. For example, a quick glance tells you the purpose of header, aside, nav (for navigation), a (for anchor), main, and footer in the HTML document.

Use <div></div> (for division) as a generic container: it groups content when no semantic element seems appropriate.

Use   id="blah"   to identify a unique tag in HTML code. Since there is exactly one container between the header and footer,   id="asideMainContainer"   is appropriate.

Use   class="blah"   when more than one tag may require the same treatment. There may eventually be more than one navigation group in the aside section, so   class="asideNav"   is appropriate.

Can I Use?

Different parts of HTML and CSS have different levels of support. If you know the browsers/devices that your audience prefers, and want to be sure that your code won't break for them, then   Can I Use ... ?   is an extremely valuable resource. Type in an HTML tag name (like ‘details’) or a CSS property (like ‘rotate’) and see if you have GREEN in the required places!

Can I Use?

Add Styling to Better Understand the Structure

The red items (above, in Code Chunk 2) are placeholders for the various sections/links, and appear as visible text in the output. However, some tags in Code Chunk 2 are block-level elements, whereas others are inline-level elements. Block-level elements start on a new line and fill the entire horizontal space of their parent. Inline-level elements do not start on a new line (although <br /> can be used to force a line-break), and occupy only as much horizontal space as their content requires. Styling helps to see the difference:

second code chunk, with styling applied Code Chunk 2, with CSS styling

style for Code Chunk 2 CSS Styling for Code Chunk 2

inline style for Code Chunk 2 Inline CSS Styling for Code Chunk 2

Notes on CSS Styling:

Turning the Structure into a Flexbox

In wider applications, the aside section should move to a narrow left bar. Flexbox and a media query will make this happen!

Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout method for arranging items in rows or columns, where items can easily expand to fill additional space or shrink to fit into smaller spaces. Flexbox has tremendous capabilities—you may want to skim through this flexbox tutorial. Here, we mention only what is needed for our simple page.

To begin, turn  asideMainContainer  into a flex container, by adding this line of CSS styling to #asideMainContainer:

display: flex;

With this single line, the children  aside  and  main  are automatically transformed into flex items. The default direction for laying out flex items inside a flex container is a row, so the page now renders like this:

inline style for Code Chunk 2 Make  asideMainContainer  into a flexbox;
the default direction for the flex items is a row
Note: the darkseagreen background of asideNav is no longer visible (click for details):
Flexbox has made  aside  the minimum width required for its contents. If you want to see some darkseagreen around the links, then add some padding to asideNav.

Already, this looks much like what we want on a wider page! However, the main div should use any available extra page width. To accomplish this, add the line

flex-grow: 1;

to the CSS for main. This (roughly) says: ‘assign 100% of all extra width to main’.

This is closer to the truth (click for details):
The default value of  flex-grow  is 0, hence this value is assigned to aside. Then: $$\begin{gather} \text{sum of flex-grow for all flex items} = \overbrace{0}^{\text{aside}} + \overbrace{1}^{\text{main}} = \color{red}{1}\\ \text{extra horizontal space assigned to aside} = \frac{0}{\color{red}{1}} = 0\\ \text{extra horizontal space assigned to main} = \frac{1}{\color{red}{1}} = 1 = 100\% \end{gather} $$

Now, we have the desired layout for wider screens:

inline style for Code Chunk 2

Remember, however, that we're designing for mobile first. To return the layout to a single column for smaller screens, add this CSS line to #asideMainContainer:

flex-direction: column;

Use a Media Query to Change Layout for Wider Screens

I prefer to switch to a two-column layout at 600 pixels. This keeps a single column for most phones, but uses two columns for tablets and wider. To achieve this, we'll use a media query.

A media query gives a way to apply CSS only in a specified situation. Add the CSS that is circled below, after the CSS for #asideMainContainer.

add a media query
Caution: Media queries must go after the CSS for the tag(s) they change (click for details):
If you move the media query before the  #asideMainContainer  CSS, it won't work. The (incorrect) logic would be:
  1. For screen sizes 600px or greater, use:   flex-direction: row;
  2. Always use:   flex-direction: column;
The later ‘always use’ CSS overwrites the earlier directive, rendering the media query useless.

By putting the media query after the  #asideMainContainer  CSS, the (correct) logic is:
  1. Start by using:   flex-direction: column;
  2. For screen sizes 600px or greater, use:   flex-direction:row;
I prefer to put media queries directly after the tag(s) which they alter. Some people group them all together at the end of the CSS styling section. Your choice—just make sure they come last!

Notes on the media query:

With the media query in place, the web page now responds automatically to different widths. Try it out!

See how the page looks on lots of different devices: Responsinator

Re-validate the page to check that you're still using best practices.

Go on to Page 3 of the Responsive Page Tutorial