Square Dance: Table of Contents

Square dancing is great for mind, body, and spirit! This page contains links to Basic 1, Basic 2, and Mainstream index cards to summarize each call.

Basic 1 Basic 2 Mainstream
Color-printed copies for all index cards are available at Amazon. Make them into a stack of easy-to-take-to-dance study cards, or use as reference books.

Color-print each index card (below). If you get the Amazon books, cut each page close to the spine. These retractable razor knives work well.

Cut out the cards. Use a paper cutter...

... or rotary cutter/quilting ruler/self-healing mat (my choice).

Tape/staple/glue onto 4" x 6" index cards. (I prefer tape.) Use different colors for Basic 1/Basic 2/Mainstream to easily differentiate the levels. (The card color just peeks out around the edges.)

Useful Links/Notes

All snapshots are from Taminations:

Women are circles: Men are squares:
Sample snapshot; center is indicated by X

The ‘heads’ on the icons indicate facing direction; arms (yellow) are shown as needed.

Numbers identify couples (useful when printed in black-and-white).

Most snapshots show the paths that dancers follow for the call.

All videos are from videosquaredancelessons.com:

Pictures of Square Dance Formations are from the International Association of Square Dance Callers.


Some entries are logically grouped, instead of appearing strictly alphabetically.

Basic definitions: square dance, heads, sides, home, corners, partners

Call definitions Copyright by CALLERLAB Inc., The International Association of Square Dance Callers. Permission to reprint, republish, and create derivative works without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice appears. Publication on the Internet of derivative works without royalty is hereby granted provided this notice appears. Permission to quote parts or all of this document without royalty is hereby granted, provided this notice is included. Information contained herein shall not be changed nor revised in any derivation or publication.