homepage: Dr. Carol JVF Burns
Square Dance: Table of Contents

Square Dance Basic 1: Do Paso

Do Paso at Taminations
Do Paso video (0:16 to 0:50)

Basic 1

Do Paso

static square (#14)

turn to
face partner;

left arm turn partner
until facing corner;

right arm turn corner
until facing partner;

start to turn
like a left arm turn;

if no further instruction is given,
the left arm turn is finished
as a courtesy turn ...

... to end
same as start
Basic 1


Right arm turn is always followed by a courtesy turn,
unless the next call starts with a left arm turn.
In this case, the courtesy turn is omitted
and the next call begins immediately after the right arm turn.

Memory device:

partner by the left,
corner by the right,
end in partner courtesy turn unless left arm turn call follows