audio read-through Graphs of Sine and Cosine

The graphs of the sine and cosine functions are shown below.

graph of the sine function

Graph of $\,y = \sin x$

graph of the cosine function

Graph of $\,y = \cos x$

Where Do These Graphs Come From?

The sine function gives the $y$-values of points on the unit circle.

The cosine function gives the $x$-values of points on the unit circle.

Since the unit circle has radius $\,1\,,$ all its points have coordinates between $\,-1\,$ and $\,1\,.$ That's why both graphs (sine and cosine) are trapped between $\,y = -1\,$ and $\,y = 1\,.$

Visualizing the Graph of the Sine Function

Here's a way you can visualize the graph of the sine function:

visualizing the graph of the sine function

Put your finger at the point $\,(1,0)\,$ on the unit circle. Twirl it around the circle counter-clockwise (start UP). The sine function tracks your finger's up/down motions:

visualizing the graph of the sine function

A Higher Level of Understanding for the Sine Function

In Radian Measure, we ‘wrap’ the real number line around the unit circle. In this way, every real number is associated with a point (called the terminal point) and a corresponding angle on the unit circle. The real number is then the radian measure of this angle!

Wrap the real number line around the unit circle!

preparing to wrap the real number line around the unit circle

Thus, every real number $\,x\,$ ...

wrapping the real number line around the unit circle

... is associated with a point on the unit circle ...

defining sin(x) and cos(x)

... and a corresponding angle.

In The Unit Circle Approach to Trigonometry, we saw that $\,\sin(x)\,$ is the $y$-value of the terminal point:

wrapping the real number line around the unit circle

As $\,x\,$ goes from $\,0\,$ to $\,\frac{\pi}{2}\,,$ $\,\sin x\,$ goes from $\,0\,$ to $\,1\,.$
(Remember: $\,\frac{\pi}{2}\,$ radians is $\,90^\circ\,$)

wrapping the real number line around the unit circle

As $\,x\,$ goes from $\,\frac{\pi}{2}\,$ to $\,\pi\,,$ $\,\sin x\,$ goes from $\,1\,$ back to $\,0\,.$
(Remember: $\,\pi\,$ radians is $\,180^\circ\,$)

The Cosine Function

The entire discussion can be repeated to understand the cosine—except that it gives the $x$-values of the points, not the $y$-values!

Here's how one of the graphics above would be adjusted to focus attention on the $x$-value:

visualizing cos(x) by wrapping the real number line around the unit circle

Important Characteristics of the Graphs

Properties of both sine and cosine:

Domain and Range


Two Trigonometric Identities

Take the sine curve and shift it $\,\frac{\pi}{2}\,$ units to the left—it turns into the cosine curve:

$$ \cssId{s50}{\sin(x + \frac{\pi}{2}) = \cos x} $$

Take the cosine curve and shift it $\,\frac{\pi}{2}\,$ units to the right—it turns into the sine curve:

$$ \cssId{s52}{\cos(x - \frac{\pi}{2}) = \sin x} $$
one cycle of the sine curve
one cycle of the cosine curve

Thus, we have two new trigonometric identities! For all real numbers $\,x\,$:

$$ \begin{gather} \cssId{s55}{\sin(x + \frac{\pi}{2}) = \cos x}\cr\cr \cssId{s56}{\cos(x - \frac{\pi}{2}) = \sin x} \end{gather} $$

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